
This is a pose in which the pose is to be held in an alert and ready position during battle.Let's draw it with the following points in mind.Is the pose expressive of a posture with the center of gravity lowered? Is the pose expressive of a back rounded and slightly slumped?Does it capture the subtle tilt of the vertical axis of the upper body?Is the horizontal axis of the upper body slightly tilted? Draw a supporting line to check for perspective deviations.

Pose 0000007

This is a pose in which the pose is to be held in an alert and ready position during battle. Let's draw it with the following points in mind. Is the pose expressive of a posture with the center of gravity lowered? Is the pose expressive of a back rounded and slightly slumped? Does it capture the subtle tilt of the vertical axis of the upper body? Is the horizontal axis of the upper body slightly tilted? Draw a supporting line to check for perspective deviations.

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